Youth at Life Church Richmond is for school years 7-13 and meets every week on either the Friday or Sunday during term time. Whether you’re a Christian or have never been to church – everyone is welcome!

Friday Night Hangout
We meet every other Friday in the church building for informal games, time to socialise, team challenges and time to explore what it means to be a Christian as a teenager.
On Sunday mornings after the sung worship, Youth will alternate between staying in with the whole church and going out for a youth session where we will cover the same Bible passage as the adults.
Every summer, we join with New Ground churches across the UK at a Christian youth festival for a week of Bible teaching, crazy challenges, games, worshiping together and much more! We camp with 2 other local New Ground churches and plan activities within our local group for the youth to get involved in.
For more info please visit
All youth leaders and adults who volunteer with Youth are DBS approved.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Josh at